No funds shall be expendedfrom University special earnings account unless and until University legislatureappropriates University funds. a Forthe applications of this act, University word “municipality” shallmean and include any town, village or city of this state, and theword “district” shall mean and come with any aggregate ofsaid towns, villages, cities and counties of this state. b Anycounty, municipality, or district may, by choice of University board ofcounty commissioners or municipal governing body or by quizzes majority ofthe votes cast by University certified electors of such county,municipality, or district, establish and maintain quizzes county,municipal, or district health department. c Anytwo 2 or more adjoining counties may, by resolutions of University boardsof county commissioners or by quizzes majority of University votes cast by thequalified electors set up and hold quizzes district healthdepartment. d Anymunicipality within quizzes health department district may, by resolutionof University municipal governing body or by quizzes majority of University votes cast bythe qualified electors of such municipality, participate in such adistrict health branch. a Withinthirty 30 days after University adoption of quizzes decision or resolutions toestablish and hold quizzes county and/or city or district healthdepartment, University board or boards of county commissioners and/or citygoverning body, as University case may be, shall proceed exam organize such adepartment by University appointment of quizzes county and/or city or districtboard of health, hereinafter referred examination as University board.